Nigerian man invents water-powered generator, despite lacking formal education

Emeka Nelson, a 26-year-old Nigerian, has built a power generator that runs mainly on water. Nelson made this invention despite not having any engineering certification or even formal education.
Nelson said the generator has maximum capacity of 1,000 watts and ranges between 220 and 240 volts. The inventor also believes that his invention has the capacity to give conventional power-generating methods in Nigeria a run for their money.
Nelson revealed that the generator currently powers his two bedroom apartment in Anambra state, explaining that just a liter of clean water put in the generator can supply energy for up to six hours.
The young inventor revealed all this in an interview with BBC Africa last year, saying that he had been working on the project for 16 years prior to the interview.
Nelson said the passion behind the invention stems from a tragedy that happened when he was 12 years old, where he lost a friend to generator fumes. This spurred him to work on an environment friendly generator. This generator also addresses many safety concerns associated with usual fuel gens.
In the interview, he said “This generator that uses water instead of petrolーthat fuel that sometimes is almost as expensive as goldーdo not entirely render petrol useless. But if you no longer have to worry about petrol, why not?”