Health/LifestyleNigerian News

Inconsistent rainfall could impact food harvests, experts warn

Experts are raising concerns that the erratic rainfall patterns currently affecting the country might lead to poor food harvests in 2024 and beyond.

In interviews with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday, August 23, in Lagos, they highlighted the potential consequences of these weather inconsistencies.

Gloria Bulus, an environmental expert and founder of the Bridge-that-Gap Initiative, explained, “The inconsistent rainfall we’re experiencing means we are likely to see poor yields. Some crops need to be planted at specific times to thrive, so any deviations in rainfall will affect their growth. If it rains at the time when crops are supposed to be harvested, it could ruin the harvest and endanger food security.”

Bulus further noted, “These inconsistencies will likely lead to increased food shortages and poverty among farmers. Poor yields will impact their incomes, driving up food costs and exacerbating hunger.”

Agriculture consultant Charles Idonije added, “While inconsistent rainfall may impact food harvests, Nigeria’s quality soil and irrigation systems can mitigate some of these effects. However, the biggest threat to food security comes from human factors, like insecurity from insurgencies such as Boko Haram and herdsmen attacks.”

Idonije emphasized the need for government intervention, stating, “For effective food security, we need better infrastructure like mechanized farming, more dams for irrigation, improved road networks, silos, and agricultural financing. But the major challenge remains the ongoing insurgencies, which have significantly affected agricultural activities.”

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