
Payment solutions company gets approval to operate in Kenya

LemFi, a cross-border payment solution, just got the green light from the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) to operate remittances in Kenya.

LemFi is a mobile app that lets Kenyans abroad send money back home hassle-free.

This fintech has been rocking the Kenyan market since last June, and now, with the CBK’s approval, it’s set to provide services while following the rules.

According to RightCard Payment Services Limited, aka LemFi, this approval is a big deal for its promise of making international payments super smooth for over 500,000 Kenyans in the diaspora.

Kenyans living in the UK, US, and Canada can zap money to M-PESA, Mobile Money, and Bank Accounts in Kenya within minutes, all at zero transfer fees.

LemFi also hooks you up with a Kenya Shillings wallet, where you can stash cash from your mobile money account. Plus, you can easily switch your Shillings to other currencies like USD, GBP, or CAD, depending on what you need.

(Techpoint Africa)


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